Tuesday, June 5, 2012

DebtConsolidation.flv; Debt consolidation? | Faith and Finance

research.smeal.psu.edu Smeal College of Business professor Lisa Bolton and co-authors put together a free video intervention based upon their research in debt consolidation loan advertising. The purpose of the video is to help advocates such as credit counselors and schools create and/or improve informational messages about debt consolidation.

Question by Melanie: Debt consolidation?
Has anyone used a debt consolidation company? I?m thinking about it, b/c my debt has become un-manageable, but I am worried about it affecting my credit. I have never made a late payment, so my credit is not in bad shape. I was wondering how long it takes your credit score to repair itself?any advice would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Watson
They can hurt you more than help you. I learned the hard way.
The best think is to write out a budjet. I can help you with that if you want.

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